Friday, February 10, 2012


This recipe is for my non- Bengalee friends. We need only few ingredients. They are as follows:-
1...cottage cheese or paneer...............made from one litre milk
2...sugar. ...............3 cups
3...water. ...............3 cups
4...lemon juice ...............made from one and half lemon
5...flour. ...............1 teaspoon.

First boil the milk to make paneer or cottage cheese.( You can also buy the paneer from stores,but make sure it is made from cow's milk). Add the lemon juice slowly to the boiled milk till all the milk curdles. Now keep the whole thing covered for 5 minutes.Then strain the curdled milk through a piece of cheese cloth and hang the cloth bundle for one hour to strain away the whey. Now take out the cottage cheese or the paneer onto a plate and mash it very nicely with the flour. This is important . There should not be any clump in the mashed paneer. Divide the mashed paneer into 10 parts and make smooth balls out of them. Meanwhile boil 3 cups of water with the sugar. Drop the paneer balls into the boiling thin sugar syrup and keep boiling for 15 minutes on slow fire with a cover. See that all the balls are nicely covered by the syrup during boiling. It might take little more or less time depending upon the quality of milk. At the end Rosgulllas should be firm to touch yet soft inside.

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