Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chicken Momo

Though it is an easy recipe, to prepare each piece needs little patience. So keep all ingredients ready & prepare the momo pieces while watching your favourite T.V. serial.

For the wrapper

1...Refined flour(maida)---1 & half cup
2...oil(corn or sunflower)---1 & half tbs.
3...salt ---a pinch
4...water ---about half cup

Mix all nicely to make a soft, pliable dough & keep covered for half an hour.

For the filling :-
1...chicken keema (sqeeze out water) --- 250 gm.
2...garlic chopped --- 10-12 pods
3...ginger " '' --- 1 inch chilies " --- acc. to taste
5...salt --- " " " coriander chopped --- a bunch.
Mix all nicely. You can put them in blender & mix for a short time.

For the sauce :-

1...Tomato ---2 ripe ones
2...garlic ---4-5 pods chili ---1-3 acc. to taste
4...salt ---to taste
5...viniger ---1 tbs
6...coriander leaves ---a bunch (optional)

Blend all in a blender & adjust salt & sugar according to taste.

Preparing the momos :-

1...Make quite small balls from the prepared dough & roll into thin rounds of the size of marie biscuits. The edge of the rounds should be thinner than the middle.
2...Put a tsp of the filling in the middle of the rounds & gather & join the sides to cover the filling .
Shape of the momos could be round or half moon but the filings should be covered nicely.
3...Put a steamer or pressure cooker without the weight valve on stove with two cups of water.
Arrange the momos on oiled plate on a stand over the water & cover. Steam for 8-10 mins.

Serve hot with the prepared sauce.

Vegetarian momos

The vegetarian fillings:-

1...Grated carrot
2... " " green capsicum
3... Shredded cabbage
4... finely chopped garlic
5... " " ginger
6... " " cilantro
7... " " green chilies
8... Salt

Mix all ,adjust salt.

1 comment:

  1. ooyyaoooo... superb... phataphati recepie...
