Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Whole wheat flour & Paneer Quiche

It is a one dish meal, originally a french dish.
I make it with local ingredients.
It has 3 parts ; a base, a filling & cream sauce.

1...Whole wheat flour (atta)--------1 cup
2...butter or white oil --------------4 tbsp
3...milk-----------------------------1-2 tbsp

Mix all & make a dough & roll it on a floured board into a big chapati.
Slowly roll it on the rolling pin to put it as a lining on a round baking dish .
Quiche base is ready.

1...Cubed paneer (cottage cheese)-------500gm
2...cubed boiled potato-------------------1/4 cup
3...small cubed carrot--------------------1/4 cup
4...small squares of capsicum-------------1/4 cup
5...shelled green peas---------------------1/4 cup
6...white oil-------------------------------1 tbsp
7...pepper---------------------------------1-2 tsp
8... salt & sugar----------------------------1-2 tsp (according to taste)

Fry all the vegetables in oil for 5 minutes with salt ,sugar & pepper .Last add paneer cubes & fry for a minute. The filling is ready. Put it on the base & level it.

1...beaten eggs-------------------3
2...cream-------------------------1 cup
3...grated cheese-----------------1 cup
4...salt & pepper------------------as required

Just mix all the above nicely & pour it on the filling.
Now put the baking dish in a preheated oven at 150 degree C for 35-40 minutes.
Our Quiche meal is ready.

Can put cooked boneless chicken instead of paneer . Can put other vegetables instead of the above mentioned ones, like cauliflower or beans or turnip or spinach or tomato or green papaya or whatever fresh vegetable available.

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