Sunday, May 9, 2010

Healthy Pizza Margherita from Scratch

This recipe is not a quick one as we are making it
from scratch.

The pizza base:-

1...whole wheat (atta) .....2 cups
2...olive oil ......................... 4 tbsp
(if not at home use any white oil)
3...salt................................ half tsp
4...dry yeast .....................1 tsp
(soak it in half cup warm water & 1 tsp sugar for 5 mins.)

Mix all with little water to make a smooth dough & keep in an oiled bowl covered with a wet cloth for half an hour. ( Left over dough keeps well in a box in the fridge for max. 2 days. )

The tomato sauce

1...ripe big tomato............... 5-6
2...crushed garlic pods........ 5-6
3...olive or any white oil..... 1 tbsp
4...chopped onion ...............1 big
5...chopped capsicum.........1 big
6...vinegar............................1 tbsp
7...sugar ...............................2tbsp
8...dried oregano ................2 tsp
9...pepper powder..............2 tsp
10..salt................................. according to taste

Heat the oil & lightly fry the crushed garlic pods. Add the chopped onions & stir fry till lightly brown. In the meantime blend the tomatoes in a blender & add to the pan along with salt,sugar,pepper & oregano. Boil the mixture for some time to make a thick but not dry sauce .
Add the capsicum pieces & vinegar at the end & adjust the salt & sugar.

For the topping

1...grated mozzarella cheese..... 1 cup
2...grated cooking cheese ..........1 cup
Mix 1 & 2 & use as toppings
3... Butter.................................... little

Pizza preparation

Now preheat conventional oven or microwave oven with grill to medium heat.
Break the dough into 4 or 8 balls (depending on what size (small or big) pizza you want.
Roll them on floured surface to make thick rounds.
Put them on oiled tray of oven or crusty plates of microwave oven for 5-6 minutes at medium heat.
Take out & first spread little butter on them.Then put 2-4 tbsp prepared sauce & top it with sprinkles of grated cheese mixture & again put them back in oven for 5-6 minutes at medium heat & grill or till the base becomes evenly brown. Serve & eat them while still warm.
As the base is made of healthy whole wheat instead of refined flour , it looks different colour wise, but taste wise it is the same.
To make the pizza more healthy you can add to the topping sweetcorn, chopped olives, pieces of mushrooms,pieces of boiled broccoli & other suitable vegetables which you want your children to eat .

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