Monday, May 17, 2010

healthy chicken tanduri kabab

Last Sunday my friend cooked this healthy,easy , very tasty chicken kabab.
She used a ready made tanduri masala paste available in supermarkets.

1...chicken-------------500gm cut into medium size pieces
2...curd----------------a bowl
3...tanduri masala-----ready made paste of ginger, garlic & garam masala
4...lemon juice----------1 tbsp
5...oil-------------------very little
6...sliced cucumber,tomato, onion & lemon

After washing the chicken pieces put lemon juice to it. Now mix nicely the ready made tanduri masala paste into the curd. Then add chicken pieces to it & mix well, keep it in the fridge for 6-8 hours (if you are in a hot country) to marinate.
Take a frying pan or tawa , heat it on stove & put 1tsp oil. Put a layer of chicken pieces on it & cook till dark brown on moderate heat, first lower side & then turn & cook the other side. Cook all the pieces & serve hot along with some sliced lemon,cucumber,onion & tomato.
She tried to cook the kababs in oven & grill. But then the chickens get dry & hard ,as she did not want to apply more oil or butter on them. It is quicker also on the tawa or frying pan.

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