Friday, May 28, 2010

baked lemon chicken

Can make this chicken while finishing other household works, hardly needs any time or energy to prepare. Yet it is a very healthy tasty chicken dish.

1...big pieces of chicken------------500gm
2...ginger,garlic paste--------------1 tbsp
3...lemon juice---------------------2 tbsp
4...salt & pepper------------------- as per taste
5...lemon slices---------------------6-8
6...butter---------------------------2 tbsp
7...any herb you like----------------as much as you like

Mix first 4 ingredients & boil covered on medium heat for 8-10 minutes.
Now arrange chicken pieces in an ovenproof dish and cover the chicken pieces with lemon slices & dots of butter .Pour the stock from the pot where the chicken pieces were boiled. Adjust salt & sprinkle herbs & put the dish in moderately hot oven for 10 minutes. Put on the grill for 5 minutes at the end. Your effortless chicken is ready.
This chicken goes well with dinner rolls or garlic bread.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Whole wheat flour & Paneer Quiche

It is a one dish meal, originally a french dish.
I make it with local ingredients.
It has 3 parts ; a base, a filling & cream sauce.

1...Whole wheat flour (atta)--------1 cup
2...butter or white oil --------------4 tbsp
3...milk-----------------------------1-2 tbsp

Mix all & make a dough & roll it on a floured board into a big chapati.
Slowly roll it on the rolling pin to put it as a lining on a round baking dish .
Quiche base is ready.

1...Cubed paneer (cottage cheese)-------500gm
2...cubed boiled potato-------------------1/4 cup
3...small cubed carrot--------------------1/4 cup
4...small squares of capsicum-------------1/4 cup
5...shelled green peas---------------------1/4 cup
6...white oil-------------------------------1 tbsp
7...pepper---------------------------------1-2 tsp
8... salt & sugar----------------------------1-2 tsp (according to taste)

Fry all the vegetables in oil for 5 minutes with salt ,sugar & pepper .Last add paneer cubes & fry for a minute. The filling is ready. Put it on the base & level it.

1...beaten eggs-------------------3
2...cream-------------------------1 cup
3...grated cheese-----------------1 cup
4...salt & pepper------------------as required

Just mix all the above nicely & pour it on the filling.
Now put the baking dish in a preheated oven at 150 degree C for 35-40 minutes.
Our Quiche meal is ready.

Can put cooked boneless chicken instead of paneer . Can put other vegetables instead of the above mentioned ones, like cauliflower or beans or turnip or spinach or tomato or green papaya or whatever fresh vegetable available.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

everyday chicken cutlet or burger

Forget those crumb fried cutlets.They take up too much oil & requires lot of time to prepare.

1...Minced chicken (keema) ----------1/2 kg.
2...finely chopped onion --------------2 large
3...ginger & garlic paste --------------1 tbsp
4...finely chopped green chili----------according to taste
5...garam masala powder------------1 tsp
6...salt--------------- ----------------according to taste
7... chopped coriander(cilantro)-------2 tbsp
8...boiled & mashed potato------------1 big (optional)
9...rusk or toast bread----------------2-4 slices powder(amchur)----------1tsp(optional) oil -----------------------2 tbsp

Wash the mince & drain water as much as possible.
Mix all the above ingredients except oil , nicely into a dough.
If dough becomes too soft add more rusk.
Adjust the salt.
Make flat cutlets from the dough.
Shallow fry with a cover, both sides of the cutlets on non stick pans with just enough oil to coat the surface of the cutlets, on medium heat ( 5-6 minutes for each side ).
Eat hot as snacks or use them inside buttered buns with some lettuce or crunchy cucumber slices for a healthy lunch box.

chicken curry with ginger & aniseed (saunf)

This chicken curry does not need any onion or garlic or turmeric but tasted quite nice, rather unique & so I copied the recipe from my friend.

1...chicken------------------ medium sized pieces
2...curd--------------------- 2 cups
3...dry ginger powder ------ 2 tbsp
4...aniseed (saunf) " --------2tbsp
5...Kashmiri chili "----------1 tbsp
6...salt --------------------- 1 & half tsp
7...Mustard oil--------------1 tsp
or any oil
8...asafoetida (hing )-------- half tsp
9...big cardamom -----------2-4 pieces
or cinnamon
10..whole green chili--------2-4 splitted (optional)
11..kasuri methi powder- --1 tsp (optional)
or chopped coriander

Mix 1,2,3,4 ,5 & 6 & marinate the chicken for 1-2 hours.
Take the oil in a pan & heat it.When oil is hot put 8,9,10 in the oil & almost immediately add all marinated chicken & marination liquid in it. Stir for a while & cover & cook till chicken is cooked or soft. If gravy dries up add little water & adjust the salt & add kasuri methi powder ( indian herb) if you want or fresh coriander (cilantro) . This curry will have little gravy.
Serve hot with rice or chapati.

Monday, May 17, 2010

healthy chicken tanduri kabab

Last Sunday my friend cooked this healthy,easy , very tasty chicken kabab.
She used a ready made tanduri masala paste available in supermarkets.

1...chicken-------------500gm cut into medium size pieces
2...curd----------------a bowl
3...tanduri masala-----ready made paste of ginger, garlic & garam masala
4...lemon juice----------1 tbsp
5...oil-------------------very little
6...sliced cucumber,tomato, onion & lemon

After washing the chicken pieces put lemon juice to it. Now mix nicely the ready made tanduri masala paste into the curd. Then add chicken pieces to it & mix well, keep it in the fridge for 6-8 hours (if you are in a hot country) to marinate.
Take a frying pan or tawa , heat it on stove & put 1tsp oil. Put a layer of chicken pieces on it & cook till dark brown on moderate heat, first lower side & then turn & cook the other side. Cook all the pieces & serve hot along with some sliced lemon,cucumber,onion & tomato.
She tried to cook the kababs in oven & grill. But then the chickens get dry & hard ,as she did not want to apply more oil or butter on them. It is quicker also on the tawa or frying pan.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

steamed hilsha fish with mustard

Most Bengalis start drooling at the ention of Hilsha fish or eelish macch . Best of them are the ones from Padma river of Bangladesh. Hilshas weighing around one & half kg & with little or no roes or egg are the tastiest. As the fish is very soft & tasty, it takes very little time to cook & needs minimum spices. fresh hilsha fish
2...little turmeric powder
4...2 tbsp mustard seeds
5...1tbsp mustard oil
6...2-4 split green chilies

1...Fresh Hilsha fish descaled & cut into gada & petti (boney part & stomach part) pieces separately. The petti or the stomach pieces will look like cute equilateral triangles. If not possible to cut the above way cut in the regular way into pieces. Wash them once with plenty of water. Apply salt & turmeric powder to the pieces.

2...Make a paste of mustard seeds (about 2 tbsp) , 1-2 green chilies & salt ,with quarter cup of water in a grinder.

3...Keep a steamer or a big vessel with 2 cups of water on the fire.

4...In a steamer pan or a steel box put the fish pieces. Add the mustard paste, 1 tbsp mustard oil, 1-2 split green chilies, adjust salt. Close the pan or box with a cover & put in the covered steamer to steam for 8-10 mins on medium heat.

Bhapa eelish or steamed hilsha fish is ready to be served hot with plain steamed rice.

If you do not have time to make mustard paste, you can use good quality mustard powder .But soak the powder in water or buttermilk for 5 minutes before using. I tried them when we were abroad & could satisfy my hardcore foodie husband.

You can prepare other fresh soft fishes or fresh small prawns or small cubes of cottage cheese (paneer) in this manner.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Khosha Bhaja, curry from skin of bottle gourd

We are told by scientists that most vegetable has most of their vitamins & minerals just below their skin. So the following preparation helps us to get more nutrition.

1... Cut thick strips of of bottle guard skin with knife & then cut sticks out of them with a knife or shredder.

2...Cut roughly equal quantity of potato sticks from scrapped potato (do not peel the skin)

3...Boil 1 & 2 with little water ,little turmeric powder ,salt& little sugar, with a cover for 5 minutes , till half soft.

In a pan heat 1 tbsp cooking oil. In the hot oil put 1 tsp nigella (kalajeera, kalonjee) seeds & one or two dry red chilli .When they change colour ,add 3 & stir fry till done & dry. Lastly put a tsp of poppy seeds or khaskhas,mix & fry for one more minute.
Lau khosha bhaja is ready.

Cottage Cheese Cake

sooooo easy, just mix it & steam it & it is quite healthy too.

1...home made cottage cheese (paneer) made out of 1 litre of standard milk.
Just add juice of half lemon to the boiled hot milk (if the milk has not split, put little more lemon juice) & keep it covered for 5 minutes .Then strain the split milk through a cheese cloth & hang the bundle for half an hour.
You can also use the ready made paneer , the soft variety.

2...fresh cream-----------1 cup
3...ground sugar----------1 cup
4...shredded lemon rind--1tbsp
5...ground milk biscuit----250 gm.
(put biscuits in a paper bag & crush them with a rolling pin, or use your dry grinder).
6...drinking chocolate powder or coco powder ---4 tbsp
7...cherries or nuts & raisins or fresh cream or chocolate sauce for decoration

Mix nicely 1,2,3 &4 with a hand mixer or with a fork till smooth.
Put a steamer or big vessel on fire with 2 cups of water.
In a steamer pan or in a steel tiffin box put half of the crushed biscuits first.
On top of that put paneer ,sugar & cream mixture & level it.
Sprinkle coco or chocolate powder & rest of the crushed biscuit on top & cover the box & put in the steamer or vessel.
Steam it for 8-10 minutes on medium heat.
Open the box & let the cheese cake cool down in the fridge ,not freezer.
Decorate the cake as you want & serve cold.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Healthy Pizza Margherita from Scratch

This recipe is not a quick one as we are making it
from scratch.

The pizza base:-

1...whole wheat (atta) .....2 cups
2...olive oil ......................... 4 tbsp
(if not at home use any white oil)
3...salt................................ half tsp
4...dry yeast .....................1 tsp
(soak it in half cup warm water & 1 tsp sugar for 5 mins.)

Mix all with little water to make a smooth dough & keep in an oiled bowl covered with a wet cloth for half an hour. ( Left over dough keeps well in a box in the fridge for max. 2 days. )

The tomato sauce

1...ripe big tomato............... 5-6
2...crushed garlic pods........ 5-6
3...olive or any white oil..... 1 tbsp
4...chopped onion ...............1 big
5...chopped capsicum.........1 big
6...vinegar............................1 tbsp
7...sugar ...............................2tbsp
8...dried oregano ................2 tsp
9...pepper powder..............2 tsp
10..salt................................. according to taste

Heat the oil & lightly fry the crushed garlic pods. Add the chopped onions & stir fry till lightly brown. In the meantime blend the tomatoes in a blender & add to the pan along with salt,sugar,pepper & oregano. Boil the mixture for some time to make a thick but not dry sauce .
Add the capsicum pieces & vinegar at the end & adjust the salt & sugar.

For the topping

1...grated mozzarella cheese..... 1 cup
2...grated cooking cheese ..........1 cup
Mix 1 & 2 & use as toppings
3... Butter.................................... little

Pizza preparation

Now preheat conventional oven or microwave oven with grill to medium heat.
Break the dough into 4 or 8 balls (depending on what size (small or big) pizza you want.
Roll them on floured surface to make thick rounds.
Put them on oiled tray of oven or crusty plates of microwave oven for 5-6 minutes at medium heat.
Take out & first spread little butter on them.Then put 2-4 tbsp prepared sauce & top it with sprinkles of grated cheese mixture & again put them back in oven for 5-6 minutes at medium heat & grill or till the base becomes evenly brown. Serve & eat them while still warm.
As the base is made of healthy whole wheat instead of refined flour , it looks different colour wise, but taste wise it is the same.
To make the pizza more healthy you can add to the topping sweetcorn, chopped olives, pieces of mushrooms,pieces of boiled broccoli & other suitable vegetables which you want your children to eat .

Chicken Momo

Though it is an easy recipe, to prepare each piece needs little patience. So keep all ingredients ready & prepare the momo pieces while watching your favourite T.V. serial.

For the wrapper

1...Refined flour(maida)---1 & half cup
2...oil(corn or sunflower)---1 & half tbs.
3...salt ---a pinch
4...water ---about half cup

Mix all nicely to make a soft, pliable dough & keep covered for half an hour.

For the filling :-
1...chicken keema (sqeeze out water) --- 250 gm.
2...garlic chopped --- 10-12 pods
3...ginger " '' --- 1 inch chilies " --- acc. to taste
5...salt --- " " " coriander chopped --- a bunch.
Mix all nicely. You can put them in blender & mix for a short time.

For the sauce :-

1...Tomato ---2 ripe ones
2...garlic ---4-5 pods chili ---1-3 acc. to taste
4...salt ---to taste
5...viniger ---1 tbs
6...coriander leaves ---a bunch (optional)

Blend all in a blender & adjust salt & sugar according to taste.

Preparing the momos :-

1...Make quite small balls from the prepared dough & roll into thin rounds of the size of marie biscuits. The edge of the rounds should be thinner than the middle.
2...Put a tsp of the filling in the middle of the rounds & gather & join the sides to cover the filling .
Shape of the momos could be round or half moon but the filings should be covered nicely.
3...Put a steamer or pressure cooker without the weight valve on stove with two cups of water.
Arrange the momos on oiled plate on a stand over the water & cover. Steam for 8-10 mins.

Serve hot with the prepared sauce.

Vegetarian momos

The vegetarian fillings:-

1...Grated carrot
2... " " green capsicum
3... Shredded cabbage
4... finely chopped garlic
5... " " ginger
6... " " cilantro
7... " " green chilies
8... Salt

Mix all ,adjust salt.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fried Chicken

Now for a non-veg snack....

1....Take one skinned whole chicken or chicken pieces of your choice (about a Kg)
2....Cut it into small bite size pieces.
3....Marinate the pieces in 1 tbs pepper powder ,required salt & 1 tbs vinegar for 1 hour.Also you can add 1 tbs tandoori masala powder {optional).
4....After marination, add 2 beaten eggs & 6 tbs corn flour & 2 tbs maida (refined flour)& mix well & keep for half an hour.
5....Now deep fry in hot oil, 7-8 pieces at a time for 6-8 minutes,or till they are cooked through. After properly draining the oil serve hot with chili or tomato sauce.

Mixed Vegetable Dal

1...Roast or dry fry a cup of yellow mung dal & then wash the dal.
2...Cut one & half cup of 3-4 types of vegetables of your choice (like bean, carrot,potato, flat beans, ridge gourd, green papaya .Choose any 3 or 4 types).
Cut them into 4-5 cms long sticks of 1 cm wide.
3...Put 1 & 2 in pressure cooker with salt ,little haldi powder & 3 cups of water &
boil for one whistle.1 teapoon sugar can be added (optional).
4...In a small pan put little ghee or clarified butter & heat it.
5...Put 2-3 bayleaves (tejpata),2-3 split green chilis , a teaspoon of panchphoran (a mixture of zerra, kalazerra, saunf, methi seeds & radhuni or mustard seeds,if radhuni not available)& half teaspoon of julian strips of ginger in that hot ghee & heat it till panchporans start spluttering.
6...Add this tarka to the boiled dal & vegetable.If the dal is too thick add little amount of boiled water.
7...Adjust salt & add some chopped green coriander leaves.
Mixed vegetable dal is ready.

Chana dal (gram dal) & Coconut Cutlet

1...Soak a cup of chana dal for 4 hours.

2...Drain water & coarsely grind the dal, do not worry if some whole ones remain.

3...Grate a small coconut.

4...Mix 2 & 3.( Roughly Dal paste:grated coconut::1:1)

5...Add some chopped green chilies & lots of coriander leaves (cilantro) & salt.

6...Can add some chopped onions & little amchur(mango) powder,if you like them.
They give extra flavour to the cutlets.

7...Now shape round & flat cutlets.

8...shallow fry both sides of the cutlets till light brown on medium heat.

Serve hot as snack or, when served with rice & mixed vegetable dal & curd it makes a complete meal.

Sprouted Green Mung & Raw Mango healthy Fuchka (golgappa,panipuri)

This is my 10Th kitchen after marriage ,where I researched on economic (time wise, hassles wise) but tasty cooking after my formal PhD in Bio science.My family being very fussy & choosy eater helped me to invent how to please everyone without toiling in the kitchen whole day.
Lets start with a healthy snacks.

For Panipuri we need
1) readymade panipuri shells available in many local shops.
2)For the water or pani of panipuri, I used raw mango (can use tamarind paste), pudina & green Chile paste.Amount of all the items are according to your taste.To that paste add dry fried zeera powder & rock salt. The water should ideally be quite dilute ,like jalzirra shorbet .
3) For the filling of Golgappa I used sprouted (1 day old)green mung & boiled mashed potato in 1:1 proportion & also that dry fried zeera powder & rock salt.